
System that collects info about restaurant hygiene

Project Type
Open source idea

System that collects info about restaurant hygiene

Someone please call me out if this idea is completely crap, but on several occasions I got sick after eating at certain restaurants. Ofc there is a difference between corelation and causation, but some restaurants appear to have a reputation for making guests sick. If only there was a way to know before going there (also, you can't always trust online reviews). So here is the idea: you know how google asks you in a creepy way if you liked your shopping experience, museum visit or whatever you did while leaving your gps on? Imagine 2 days after eating at some restaurants it asked you "did you get sick from it". And then there is a way to look at the data, that can't be too hard. This way of asking solves 2 problems: you can't pay people to go online and leave a bunch of positive/negative feedback. People must actually have visited the place and even then the selection is random. Also, if you had to go and rate on your own, people wouldn't go and rate all the restaurants they didn't get sick from. So that would be unfair for big restaurants with lots of visitors, where some of them are going to be sick, even if it is a very low percentage. Again, please tell me wether this is a good idea or not. Until then I am going to recover from my food poisoning. Cheers!
  • 5
    what if the app logged every restaurant you are at, they you just told it when youre sick. then you can figure out which restaurants have tainted food by finding the common restaurants they got sick at.
  • 1
    @calmyourtities might be a good idea. I have one concern: people might not think about tracking their sick days. If it would just ask you "are you sick now" every few weeks/months you don't have to remember doing anything. And you can still collect sufficient data for all the restaurants that are listed. And tracking all restaurants might not work because people often turn their location tracker off when they know the way. So it would tend to rate restaurants that are lesser known/harder to find.
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