
markdown4documentation is a tool that can either convert a single markdown file, a complete directory or a complex structure to HTML or PDF. You can choose between several build-in themes (called templates) or define a custom theme.

Project Type
Existing open source project

markdown4documentation is a tool that can either convert a single markdown file, a complete directory or a complex structure to HTML or PDF. You can choose between several build-in themes (called templates) or define a custom theme.

Several weeks ago, I started a new open source project. My difficulty was that I had to convert several Markdown files to HTML files with a very special structure. And as if that wasn't enough, all the Markdown files also had to be linked together into one PDF file. But no Markdown parser met all my requirements. So there was only one solution: Creating an own parser. As a result of many evenings, the tool markdown4documentation was born. markdown4documentation can be used as a simple markdown to HTML or PDF parser but can be configured for complex and individual conversion processes also, not to be forgotten that you can insert prebuild HTML or PDF files into your generated result. Besides a simple HTML file, you can create your template so that the result has your design. With PDF generation there are even more options for customization. For example, you can create your custom headers and footers for each page with pure HTML. You can find the project both on GitLab and NPM. The project is currently in beta status but it is already used in production. To archive the goal of releasing final version 1 I have defined some requirements, which I track with GitLab Issues. The current version already supports all basic Markdown syntax from the original markdown specification https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax. In the future, I want to extend markdown4documentation not only with markdown features but also with other ways to improve and extend the generation of HTML and PDF files. I want to use this platform to share this project with you. And I want to motivate some people to contribute to this project also. If you want to contribute to this project I wrote some information into the CONTRIBUTING.md file in GitLab.
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  • 0
    So... like PanDoc with js instead of the latex inbetween thing, interesting!
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