kawa - a modern JVM language

Project Type
Existing open source project

kawa - a modern JVM language

Help wanted for implementing "Kawa" programming language for the JVM/GraalVM/Truffle Hello folks, I'm currently working on my toy project **Kawa**: [https://github.com/mojo2012/kawa-lang/blob/master/README.md](https://github.com/mojo2012/kawa-lang/blob/master/README.md) It's a programming language for the JVM (or GraalVM/Truffle) that tries to be as consistent as possible, but also tries to encompass all the features one would expect from a modern OOP-language: * First-class support for methods and closures * Null-safe navigation * Builder pattern syntax * Named and position methods arguments * Map/List syntax support * Micro-thread/async-support (based on GraalVM isolates?) I'm using ANTLR for the grammar. Currently I'm trying to figure out how to use Truffle for the AST creation - unfortunately the documentation is very poor :-( So help here is highly appreciated. This is my first try on implementing a programming language, so only god knows where this will lead me. The motivation behind this is that imho Java falls behind when it comes to proper (syntactical) support of nowadays features like mentioned above. Languages like kotlin on the other hand feel bloated (keyworderism) and inconsistent (aka "ugly"). In a way I like groovy, but the lack of good IDE support is a show-stopper. Let me know if anyone of you is interested in collaborating (be it actual coding or just feedback). And keep in mind: this is a fun project!
Tech Stack
jvm, java, graalvm, truffle
Current Team Size
  • 3
    So you are making scala
  • 0
    nope scala is so weird and inconsistent (like constructor code on the method level ...). it has some resemblance, yes, but so do dart, java, groovy too 😅
  • 0
    @mojo2012 "constructor code on the method level"

    Okay i see why you think its incosistent, you just have no idea about fp
  • 0
    @yellow-dog yeah class level i mean 😅
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