I. FUCKING HATE MY STUPID ASS UNCLE. HE IS SUCH AN ASSWIPE BRO ISTG he moved in with us and like I didn't think it would be such a big deal but HIS ASS SCREAMS AT ANYONE WHO DISRUPTS HIM WHILE HES LITERALLY DOING POT IN THE KITCHEN AND LIKE.. BRO DISRESPECTS HIS MOTHER WHO KEEPS THE ENTIRE HOUSE STABLE. HE TAKES ALL HER MONEY and doesnt lay her back like EVER?? And HE FUCKING RUINS EVERY HOLIDAY WE HAVE. And i cant even say anything to him because i have to respect grownups like man.. he aint even man enough to be respected 😹😹😹 he thinks hes scary bro like no. hes just a self centered lazy ass bitch. Im waiting for the day he moves out lmao.

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    Breh i made a mistake i meant "he doesnt PAY her back"
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    Lotta pot smokers seem to have anger issues, like the truly addicted ones

    Which is strange cuz on weed I can't get mad. They must be so messed up inside

    This is where self-survival might become paramount. Lying is permitted. Not everyone has a defense vs every way they can be treated shitty, either. I find with people with a lack of self-respect (which is how one gets so irrationally angry or addicted to substances) they have holes in their armor where there's certain odd mistreatment from others they feel they "deserve". It's always something random. Keep in mind if you exploit it you'll make their mental health worse though, but people don't come out of their self-defeating ways until they hit rock bottom and re-arrange their world perspective on life so it can be argued it's good to abuse someone who has a broken worldview, because it would eventually encourage them to fix it
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    Most situations like this end up with the mom throwing the bum out of her home. That can sometimes really help the person get back on their feet as they have little choice and no form of income unless they work for it.
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