Every single fucking time I run into problems, the problems are very specific edge cases of common problems.

The search results however, are created by an army of retards, they're a sea of answers to the common problem. They drown out my super specific edge case.

And then someone dares to half-read my stackoverflow question, and immediately mark it as duplicate.


  • 5
    You got an example?

    Back in the day there was an idea of "Google hacks" to get the most out of a search... Then Google kind of fucked it by improving the search algo.

    I noticed a difference when I started having to type out the idiot-style question for some things.
  • 2
    @jamescodesthing Doing weird stuff in MySQL.

    Was trying to filter json in mysql getting whitelisted keys, setting rest to null, but apparently you can only manipulate known keys. Got distracted, filtering the result of a show query, format it as json, which for some reason is not very straightforward in mysql.

    set @columns:='[]'; show columns from users where `Field` not in ('id','created_at','updated_at') and (@columns := json_array_append(@columns, '$', `Field`)) is null; select @columns columns;

    But I was like, lets split it. Got distracted trying to write recursive stuff like

    select @a/@b from (select @c:=@a+@b,@a:=@b,@b:=@c from mysql.proc,(select @a:=1,@b:=0) _ limit 100) _ limit 1;

    and thought I could split json using that

    select v from (select (json_extract('[1,2,{"apple":"banana"},4,5]', concat('$[',f,']'))) v from (select @a:=@a+1 f from mysql.proc,(select @a:=-1) _ limit 100) _) _ where v is not null;

    And then I realized I'm too drunk for this shit.
  • 3
    I mean I could just fetch from information_schema but where's the fun in that.
  • 1
    "and then I realised I'm too drunk for this shit" - development in a nutshell 😂
  • 1

    When drunk, some people abuse loved ones around them. I prefer to abuse programming languages instead. Oh yeah PHP you look so dirty when you're trying to handle concurrent streams of data.
  • 1
    @bittersweet i made silverlight my bitch when I was drunk in my student days 😂

    Mother fucking silverlight in uni... It was difficult to explain what I'd done on assignment hand-in when I'd sobered up 😂
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