Fuck applications which repeatedly try to grab focus while starting up in the background. Yes, I clicked your little icon, you attention whore. But I'll fucking alt-tab to you when *I* am ready.

  • 10
    TFW you're typing and you press spacebar and an application grabs focus and you validate a random "send" button.
  • 4
    I really didn't expect it from discord seriously
  • 4
    @SHA-16384 It's fully the fault of operating systems / desktop environments, and all of them do it wrong.

    The simple solution would be to only allow the current foreground application to dictate focus, for all of its elements and child windows, and give background apps a subtle method to signal for attention (such as taskbar/dock states) with no way to break out of their background-ness.
  • 6
    I actually turned this off but then again XFCE gives you that freedom. 😜
  • 1
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