fallacy of a "good child". m:mom/dad s:son/daughter , o: outcome.

counter : 1
m : Son, can you do this thing x for me?
s : yes sure
o : son is good

counter : 2
m : Son, can you do this thing x for me?
s : yes sure, give me 5 mins
after 5 mins...
--case 1 : m is still waiting, s comes and does the work
---o : son is bad since son let m wait
--case 2 : m did half of x and says "just teach me how this part is done, and i will do it on my own". s teaches
---o : son is bad since son didnot do the task
--case 3 : m does the whole x work
---o : son is bad since son did not do the task

counter 3
m : Son, can you do this thing x for me?
case 1)s : why can't you do it yourself? i taught you last time?
--- o : son is bad
case 2) yes give me 5 mins
---o : same as cases of counter 2, i.e all are bad

counter : misc
m : why didn't you do x for me beforehand? why do i need to tell you everytime?
case 1 s : woah! when did you say to do it each day?
--- o1 : son is bad since he cross questioned
case 2 s : oh am sorry, i forgot
--- o2 : son is bad as he intentionally forgets


am i not seeing enough politics in the office each day to handle another black tag on me? i sometimes delay a task assigned to me, sometimes want other to just understand and do it on their own. but why does it always end up making me a bad offspring?

  • 1
    Weak analogy for a common situation.

    It's a matter of teaching.

    Teach them that your job is important, and your time is important. You do stuff for them for free. Beggars can't be choosers.

    You are a good son by sparing some time when you *can*, (not when you want), and they are good parents for respecting your time and accepting it may not be right away.
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