AWS typescript: Your function name can't be longer than 64 characters

how about you tell me what the function name is and where it's located so i can find and fix it?

my code changes don't even have any 64 character length functions , they don't even have any typescript changes

  • 5
    Does typescript mangle your function names and make them longer?

    This is an issue with the C++ compilers and shared libraries. The mangled names are not consistent between compilers. So it causes problems.
  • 1
    @Demolishun I had the same thought
  • 1
    @Demolishun not mangled but there's <function name description>-myUsername-<other function name description>

    so now I have to shorten my username or find where the other 2 function names are coming from and make them shorter

    grokking our codebases did not find either of the 2 other function names yet

    i'd think even if it was an AWS config we might have it under source control but alas
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