
I usually convince myself like "no corporate/government has enough computational resources to classify useful information from enormous pile of worthless junk they could blindly collect from tracking every single step of all their users."

But every time I see this, it's like I hear them saying "Why we should bother? You just handpick the important ones. Thank you."

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    Exactly, many Alphabet letters agencies wont bother with nobodies, you have to be part of a company and hold an important place in it to get targetted or other criteria, also doesnt matter what you browser with when you have literal botnet hardware wise already and I can go on and on how you technically have lost the game a long time ago already, rather just enjoy the ride as much as you can until the missiles or the astoriods start dropping from the sky
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    @legionfrontier that escalated quickly
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    @Kaskagues doesnt make it any less true ... welcome to the site and this no brakes ride
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    @legionfrontier what I came to think about is this: okay they track your every step. But they also track everyone else's steps. So how am I more exposed than others? If you spy on the whole population it's like you're not spying on anyone really.
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    @mzeffect read again what I said mate, they can track pretty much everyone, they *dont* though, they only spend time and resources in key people depending who they want to fuck with or where they want access into
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    If Google wants to fuck with me, I'll give them a complimentary dev duck. And also take it as a compliment.
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    @mzeffect Google is a different type of survillance of sorts, they ironically has weapon-grades encryption and protetions of your data since it matter alot to them to save such resources until they sell it to their advertisers which is what they are actually interested, if you are American is the NSA and others the ones that want to fuck with you, the NSA actually did hack some core Yahoo developers some years ago https://techcrunch.com/2017/11/... , I dont remember if it was "The Hacker wars" or "Citizen Four" documentaries that show the poor guys seening the goverment personally fucked them over, quite unsettling I tell you see the poor guys
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    @legionfrontier yeah I don't debate that NSA and the likes are worse. Still I think the more massive data collectors are Google, who give NSA what they need. I'm not American yet most of my personally identifiable data is stored on servers located in the US, operated by American companies. But even if that data is requested by any country I have interests in, it has to be a fucking good reason, which I personally don't believe to be providing.
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