
++ if you want another language to be supported by web browsers. Comment which language it should be.

  • 6
    brainfuck web scripting. seriously! Some JavaScriptMonkey wants to write an interpreter?
  • 2
    They tried with Dart.

    What's the point? Standardizing another language is like travelling down Mount Improbable and then climbing Mount Impossible
  • 0
    I think WebAssembly would be the way to go, and then u can use whatever language u wanna use to run on the browser.
  • 0
    @AndSoWeCode Dart is really nice though...
  • 0
    @killermenpl isnt there a python web kit?
  • 1
    Actual Java or Kotlin?
  • 0
    Kotlin or Go.
  • 0
    C or c++... Oh wait you can because webassembly is supported in 4 major browsers now!
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