So I dont know if this has been brought here already but I was busy lately with an oncoming amount of users of my site... and they found a few bugs, anyway me sucking aside:
To my fellow American DevRant users, how do you guys feel when you are about to get fucked by the posibility of get Net Neutrality in your country? Man what is going there sure is a tragicomedy, uh?

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    I meant to write, get Rid off net neutrality, cant edit on the browser option :/
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    Not happy about it.

    Americans have the government they deserve for voting that government in.
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    I am free but my internet is not. And thats a problem. So i guess you could say my internet is being controlled just like im not being controlled.
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    @codePatrol you obviously have little to no knowledge of how voting works in my country if you think we voted this shit in....
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    Just curious, in what country is that not regularly how things work? So the rest of the world does not work? There are devs in germany, sweeden, etc that are way better than me and not getting paid the same I am nor living the life I do. My government is shit, it is. My political system is funky and I am sketchy on different things (health care for example...pretty useful in a lot of countries in Europe!! ...which population fits in Texas so I don't know how it would compare to the rest of the world) and as much as countries differ business wide...who is not to tell me that others will follow suit on the whole idea of net neutrallity going caput? Don't get me wrong...this ain't the best place on earth....but at the end of the day most countries suck...some even worse than the U.S
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    @AleCx04 president appoints fcc, people elect president.
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    @codePatrol if only it were that simple.......if only Trump was voted in because people wanted him there...such naive notion really.
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    @AleCx04 Did you just imply that the population of Europe fits in Texas? If you write a long comment please format it a bit!

    Also, the only part of this rant that was aimed at America is what he says. The image is clearly relevant but not specific to America.

    I agree that most places suck, but America is quickly climbing down the ranks of less sucky places these days.
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    @th31 negative. I did not imply that, mere misunderstanding. What I meant to say is that most European countries in which that model works have a population that is comparable to one of our states. And no dude, sorry but I do not buy that its climbing down, specially compared to many other places. If anything I would say that every country is going to shit.
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    @AleCx04 The people have had a democracy for over 200 years. In that time, they have voted for people who have enabled money in politics, gerrymandering, and an environment with only two parties that are polar opposites who never work with each other. They haven't insisted on fixing the electoral college, weird voting distracts or campaign finance reform. So the American people have the government they deserve for allowing all that to happen. There are other issues as well but the people haven't demanded they be fixed so they haven't been. Either way, my statement is accurate.

    Oh and even though I'm a dual citizen, I grew up in Iowa so I have been over exposed to politics my entire life. For the sake of Americans, hopefully people quit arguing about abortion and guns long enough to get a government that works by fixing things that matter. But they won't because most people are stupid.
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    Nobody cares about Net Neutrality where I live.

    We are too busy avoiding getting stabbed/shot/bombed by muslims.
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    Trump is by far the most legitimate person in the past years to ever become president.

    He was elected by the people, for the people. Not by special interest groups and the corrupt establishment.

    You may disaagree with his attitude, political views or economical views but you cannot deny that the people wanted him to change the world.

    And he will win in 2020. Deus vult.
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    And that's fine. That's why free speech and the internet exist.

    In a side note, Trump winning last year was the craziest, happiest and greatest moment of my life I stayed up all night to watch this miracle happen.
    And I'm not even American
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    Ny people have suffered 8 years of horrible pro-muslim Obama. So did the US and other countries.

    Globalism and Leftism ruined the world. Trump and nationalism will rebuild it
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    @Bitwise you have visited all them countries?? Nice! I have lived in 4, not visited...LIVED and by far and wide the U.S is the best one. Whatever your decission for accusing the U.S of the worst...thats on you. To me most people I encounter are retarded, the us aint excluded, but then again nowhere is. And I much rather live here where my skills are valued and paid handsomely than somewhere else. Legit the one place where I have seen that skills take you higher is here.
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    @codePatrol you don't seem to get it. In some of our states you might as well not vote. The majority vote was for Clinton, and before her it was for Sanders. Know why Trump won? Aww nah lemme invite you over to Google for some self studying of the c.e (gave you the initials as a hint, you got this lil buddy!!)
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    @Artemix mmm not really hatred or ignorance. Ever been to Israel? The place is beautiful, tbe people are nice. Everything is fine until you get scared because of muslim attacks....so I would not call his distate for it ignorance...when you have probably never felt what he has
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    @Chlodovechus people did want him. A minority of the dumbest people in America. You're right, he will probably win because the same idiots that voted for him last time will again and extra dummies will join.
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    @AleCx04 Trump won because of the electoral college and if you think anything differently you're just wrong. You're not informing me of anything.
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    @codePatrol that was exactly what I said buddy which again goes to say that we did not elect him based on majority.
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    @AleCx04 Right. I guess my point is that the same thing happened with Gore and Bush and no one insisted on fixing it. Other issues around gerrymandering have been a massive problem that no body insists on fixing. The fact that none of our representatives actually represent their constituent's interest is another problem no one is willing to fix. So, the people deserve the government they have now. They have had a long time to throw a fit about it but no one can be bothered.
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    @Bitwise Oh fuck you mate, you are bringing quite alot of my current problems and wishes that also stop me from get some happiness, I didnt came here for feels yo ;_;
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    @Bitwise well you are in Forth Worth :( cannot really blame you for it :P
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    @Bitwise i can only hope it gets better for you man and hope you make your way to Oregon soon!!
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