Secret code, those who know 💀💀

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    Software craftsmanship at its finest
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    How is this recursion?
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    I like how they aligned the conditions though. imagine looking at this and deciding that what it needs most is alignment.
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    @lorentz yes, which leads me to think we’re supposed to see some sort of shape
    Am I correct @afsalbaaqir?
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    This reminds me of the early days of online profiles and MySpace... where children had so much time on their hands and the internet seemed so new and shiny. Y'know, back when html actually included, and was meant for, basic styling like several fonts, custom sizes, little formatting elements like horizontal bars... all colour capable.

    I remember how cool the kids used to think they were for making, what's currently akin to an emoji, out of several lines of basic html to make shapes out of chars... and shapes within shapes... then they were reeeally cool if they had multiple colours in their designs... all manually checked and edited several times for alignment.

    Then came the code injections via text formatting fields... then the obfuscation of code in those fields that now had stricter guidelines... and facebook...

    Saddest thing... im pretty sure a large % of those kids were better devs than many ive seen with degeees nowadays, and they didn't even realise it was coding.
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    @awesomeest The disappearance of custom HTML from social media is a travesty. Sure, back when all this started we had a naiive understanding of cybersecurity and most websites used string concatenation to embed 3rd party HTML, but by now we have the tools and experience to do it safely.
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    @lorentz yeah... i own a tech startup and more domains than i can quickly count. ive been technically, professionally, a fullstack web dev since i was 8... so ~23yrs.
    Trying to explain basic security shit to babydevs has become challenging. Nowadays you have people (and even actual institutions that give certs) just declaring things as vulnerable to attack/innately insecure without any actual logic/reason alongside it.

    Im a legacy dinosaur. Ive been doing network setup technically since ~7(soon after, admin)... my small Catholic school didn't know wtf to do with me, and had computer issues. Network and data architectures and hacking are my most innate and inherent skills. Crap like poor input filtering(under-, over-, non-existent cuz everything's a gui button...etc) drives me nuts.

    But i am a legacy dinosaur *shrug*

    For the record i dont identify as a web dev. Frankly i have too many titles (including far from IT), im too literal to select which one(s) to use in most situations.
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