Sitting in the hall, quietly listening to an Arduino tutorial and I bring up terminal cuz I didn’t have the IDE and unnamed teacher starts yelling at me for hacking?!? Fuck ignorant teachers.

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    That's bullshit, but I'd take it as a complement.
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    @kgbemployee honestly I feel like cmatrix would fool these teacher
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    @kgbemployee fair enough, just display like a randomly generated “ip” address and tell them it’s their phones or their homes
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    You should challenge him in starcraft and rush the fuck out of that teacher with a bunch of mutalisks.
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    @hyperlisk was it Meyer?
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    @mzeffect Broodlings are my favorite.
    Siege tanks? Not anymore. Just more Broodlings.
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    That's pretty much all my friends. We're sitting in the library where it's supposed to be quiet, and then they yell, "ARE YOU HACKING THE MAAAIIINNFRRAAAMME"

    Like, why is this necessary? Leave me alone.
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    @Ashkin Yeah I still need to learn how to deal with those properly. Haven't played for a long time. 😥 I sport protoss though.
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    @mzeffect Arb + darkies 😊

    Though I'm a fan of psi storm, too... maybe a little too much.
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    @Ashkin Yeah sometimes a terran ball doesn't expect a quick transition to high templar. 😎
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    @mzeffect good thing I play tournaments with muta rush
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