
Please stop calling Windows, "PC." PC is not an operating system. Mac and Linux run on PCs too.

  • 15
    This has always annoyed me.

    Pleb - "PC or Mac?"

    UM.. both you twat. It's a Personal Computer... Running Mac OSX.
  • 21
    Referring to windows as, 'PC,' as far as I know, is a direct result of Apple's marketing.
  • 3
    ++ for correct use of indicative leading comma.
  • 2
    Yes I agree. Apple tried to seperate their products by calling it a Mac in place of PC. Sneaky.

    But the problem is. If you start calling a Mac a PC, then no one will know what you're talking about 😪
  • 3
    @coolq why would people need to know what hardware/software I’m running?
  • 6
    @coolq that's the spirit, let's confuse everyone, I love it
  • 3
    True point.

    Haha, let's get the ball rolling! Then if someone argues with us we can just show them the definition of PC 😂
  • 0
  • 1
    Iirc, the "PC" and "Mac" distinction arose from the days when Macs were using Motorola processors and Windows was running on IBM PC compatibles, thus "Windows" = "PC". Of course, Apple then proceeded to goof it all up by releasing the PowerPC, which was still a completely different architecture from what IBM PCs were using. These days, though, just about everything is running on the x86-64 architecture (at least, everything we call a "PC"), so it is an annoying misnomer, but at least the origin is understandable.
  • 0
    @explodingkittns is right: Macs used to *not* be PC's, but now they are pc's. It used to be the other way around, that when a pleb called a mac a «pc», techies would cringe and correct them. So basically, it's our fault for training people to not call macs pcs.
  • 0
    Let's just reset then. PC = Personal Computer

    And it's not all our fault either, we aren't responsible for the naming. General consumers make this distinction as well.
  • 0
    I mostly agree.

    Yes "Professionals" perpetuated the Mac is not PC thing. But we are not responsible for that. Customers should do their own research and not rely on what people tell them.
  • 0
    But it's not just ignorant people. Game studios and reviewers will refer to windows as, "PC," too. They reinforce it.
  • 0
    Ahhh, you made some good points there.

    What I'd like to ask is: Why are we responsible? Just because we know more about technology doesn't mean that we are the ones to be held accountable? Yes it is true that non-techies will look to us more often than others, but that's their fault for not doing their own research. In my opinion, we are just as responsible as anyone else 😉

    Tricky stuff!
  • 0
    I agree 😛
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