
Finally free from the clutches of OSX. Feels good.

  • 3
    I feel like you should be knighted for this.
  • 2
    Well lets just pray that you will not be doing native ios development :P
  • 3
    Why get a MacBook in the first place?
  • 4
    If you get it at work with no choice, make the best out of what you get :)
  • 3
    @thisisnikos honestly there probably isn't any other laptop in the $900 price range of the MacBook Air with the same build quality.
  • 3
    You get the best of Linux in osx anyway with way better UI.

    Why switch ?

    Just use brew to install anything you need.
  • 0
    Mint? MINT?!?!
    Seriously, coming from a mac you could've at least tried ElementaryOS. Just not Mint. Damn not Mint!
  • 2
    I like mint...but why do you need it on macOS? What isn't working?
  • 0
    @AndSoWeCode elementary is beautiful, I'll get it that. But there is something about Mint coz of which people end up staying on it for a long time. I can't exactly pinpoint that thing but I'm sure others will agree.
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    @AndSoWeCode If it works for Elliot, then it's fine. I mean, maybe he works for E Corp.
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    @SubhrajyotiSen Mint is probably the distribution that I've tried most often. Never ended up keeping it. It was horrible in everything.
    It greets you with an UI that makes you want to blend your eyes with a mixer. Ugly icon decorations, ugly window manager, ugly menus.
    Screen tearing is a bitch to take care of, while not a problem on any other distribution that I've tried.
    Its dependency on old, old software is just awful.
  • 0
    I would choose to install Linux instead of osx cause I am missing a tiling window manager like i3 on osx, or did I just missed it?
  • 0
    What's wrong with osx? Being a Windows user since the 90's and have only owned my first MacBook lens than one year ago, I gotta say confidently, mac os is fucking gorgeous.
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