
So Copilot just not doing suggestions inline anymore? Has to be on a new line with no trailing characters?? .. 😩

  • 0
    Good one! 🤦‍♂️
  • 0
    Alright so there might have been an update that autoinstalled when I search copilot... shouldn't it autoupdate without needing to search?
  • 3
    The house of Windows just burned through USD 1 fucking billion, with a B. Just in seed capital + opportunity costs.
    It costs Microsoft about USD 0.80 for each and every single suggestion that Copilot makes.
    And you pay 10 USD. Per month. For unlimited so-so code suggestions.

    The cherry on top, Microsoft failed to convince 90% of the tech industry to pay for it.

    Thus, they started the "let's fuck up the product to cut costs" operation. AKA "pulling an Uber".
  • 1
    @JsonBoa Oh damn wow really $0.80USD ?!

    Far out.... 🤯

    Ah well, it was fun while it lasted 😭
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