Fuck... coming from a Python background learning low level stuff is hard as shit.. gonna need to learn C/C++ and some Assembly real soon!

Gotta say though, understanding that stuff makes everything have more sense all of a sudden hahah

  • 2
    I'm trying Rust. So far so good.
  • 5
    C should be everyone's first language.
    C or assembly.
  • 3
    @Ashkin I really see why now 😂
  • 3
    C is beautiful...
    C is gorgeous...
    C is beast...

    But a beast does byte u know 😅😅
    But it is still a beast!!! 😎😎

    I would have written C++ but m not liking where C++ standard is going right now... it’s bombarding the language with so many features and increasing its complexity too much 😭😭
  • 2
    @TheItalianGuy Nobody believes me until they learn it.
  • 4
    My first language was lua, know that feel bro
    Btw, C is THE language a programmer should start with, don't trust who says the opposite
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