
My company employed a new back-end guy from a random country in Africa (our first non-european). After firing the internal IT guy a year ago, they have now noticed that he has fully protected our company from login attempts outside of europe. The replacement has no idea how to revert it and honestly is not an system administrator.

Our DevOps guy knows how to solve it but nobody asked him and he cannot be arsed.

  • 6
    > Our DevOps guy knows how to solve it but nobody asked him and he cannot be arsed.

    Sounds like me! When I joined this team, I always said something, like how to fix it and gave suggestions without being asked. Nobody seems to care and now never asked me to solve the problem. Instead, they asked the other colleague who touched the product but has little knowledge.

    I don't care anymore, screw them. I'd rather stay quiet because I don't look like a trustworthy person.
  • 1
    @hilpitome I believe the complaint was not about the African back-end guy, which is not able to login, but the (European) sysadmin.
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    @saucyatom after giving the post a second reading I understand it now. I will take back my comment
  • 1
    Simple. Make that African country part of the EU 😂
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    @ViRaS The last time we tried that, we got some backlash because it was not very HANDsome of us
  • 0
    @wojtek322 Sorry I didn't get the joke/reference about the "HANDsome" part ?
  • 3
    @ViRaS probably. i'm from belgium and look up what we did to congo. the colonialists have murdered a lot of people and have cut a lot of hands.

  • 2
    @wojtek322 TIL and thanks for the rabbit hole from IT to the history of Congo.
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