
Perfect soldering. Time to start coding this xbox 😁😁😁😁

  • 6
    Uuuh, this looks interesting!! What are you about to do?:)
  • 4
    @wolt I do Wii mods
  • 3
    I kinda wanna do this to mine now. All it does is collect dust, might as well put it to use. What do you plan on using it for?
  • 1
    Too much smileys in one rant. One is enough. Also that looks beautiful.
  • 1
    @nik123 yeah probably ... But his setup looks much more professional and advanced. So either he is just better in soldering (which he definitely is) or he is going much deeper into the xBox ...

    Still interested!
  • 2
    @fox8091 amazing... How these hacks work. I really appreciate guys how are able to do sth ... I mean. I would say I have solid knowledge and understanding of how a computer and the components are working and working with each other. But to say, hey let's solder a wire here and there, wire it to the computer, execute some whatever commands to make the other system do what 'you' want ...

    For me this requires more knowledge about the components and its way of working as the manufacturer :D

    Very impressive to me...
  • 3
    @fox8091 Totally agree! But I think this is what it is about. And sometimes it is really impressive what some components are able to achieve!

    And if you fuck up your device ... at least you know what I can not do :D
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