
Tomorrow I go back to work. It was one beautiful week of vacation after years without having one (since 2012) and the next one is comming up in 3 weeks. Man cannot wait. Started a small Spring Boot project with Vue.js as the front end and have been having a vlast with it (see what I did there) after considering many stacks.

Went through Python flask, ror, php lumen, php codeigniter, mean, Meteor, Sails and finally settled on Spring :) the front end was a tad harder since I am better with React and Angular but wanted to try something different. Cant wait till I continue with this.

  • 6
    Ahhh vacation! When the programming finally ends and the programming finally starts!
  • 2
    @Andi indeed! It was good while it lasted
  • 2
    Did you actually go anywhere to do this?
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  • 2
    @AleCx04 because vacation, to me at least, usually involves a change of environment. Even though you may be still working, you can still relax and enjoy completely different surrounds, wether that be a great European city (lots of those) or a beach resort, it can fuel your imagination and act also as a break from reality. You should always make time to get out of your regular routine to keep your sanity and batteries charged.
  • 0
    @helloworld i will start following that example bro :) i have been wanting to leave town for a while now.
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