So today i got a call log from some users saying that they have "lost" the print page button when we made them switch from IE to Chrome, and I need to put the functionality back for chrome, after checking to see what print button they were talking about, because our system didint have the function to begin with, i realised they were talking about the print button on the IE toolbar that did not appear in chrome :/. The dev team had a good laugh afterwords.

  • 2
    users, gotta love them.
  • 15

    > made them switch from IE to Chrome

    who are you? jesus?
  • 1
    @rozzzly well not me, we are in the process of making our system chrome spesific ( its also used in a closed group of people) so its a bit more manageble than random users :).
  • 2
    I worked at a company that had qa testers that were complaining that the background colors were missing when printing from chrome! It was a feature not a bug!
  • 1
    <!--[if IE]>
    Your computer will be dead unless you use another browser.

    works like charm!
  • 0
    Internet Explorer is a great explorer for downloading a proper internet explorer that works. That's pretty funny though. Fix the "bug" and charge them lots of money for it
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