32 clever business card design

  • 8
    one further clever business card design:

    none. it's 2024. catch up to this millenium already.

    (also: you've left out 30)
  • 2
    Man I want a business card so badly. Just for the sake of it.
  • 3
    Lol the developer one has the lastname as : Ho.

    I the dude gets married to a woman, and she takes his last name, then she will be his Ho.

    "Good morning Ho!"

    "Wanna go out to the movies Ho?"

    "Hey HO! make me a sammich!"

    I know people don't usually call their spouses by their last names, but shit would be funny if it were a thing in this case
  • 5
    I would be embarrassed to represent my profession by xml and Windows, but it looks nice and that’s what counts :)
  • 1
    @c3r38r170 when I started working - companies offered you that as a part of your contract. A benefit. Different times
  • 2
    @Lensflare a initialized C struct on a tamagotchi would be nice
  • 0
    You forgot to mention your site
  • 1
    @Lensflare Don Ho is the real developer of Notepad++
  • 0
    If you develop in notepad++ you're probably not going to go very fast
  • -1
    When it comes to designing business cards, it’s always fun to get creative with unique ideas. After all, your business card is often the first impression you make, so it's worth putting thought into the design. But in a world where we rely so much on online services, it’s also important to make sure you’re dealing with trustworthy businesses. I’ve had my own experiences where I’ve had to research companies thoroughly before booking anything. For example, I once came across a lot of edreams complaints https://help-center.pissedconsumer.com/... which made me double-check their reliability before going forward with any travel bookings. It’s always a good idea to look into reviews before making a commitment!
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