
I don't believe this. I have to install Gnome Tweak Tools to remove the "Trash" icon from desktop. What the hell :/

  • 5
    Just get i3 man
  • 2
    i3? Is that a distro?
  • 4
    @tahnik nope, a window manager (basically a DE). You should try it! It WILL seem weird at first if you're not used to tiling but when you get used to it you're hooked. It also looks quite ugly out of the box but spend a good 30 minutes on it and you can make it look AMAZING.

    I use it on all my PCs if you couldn't tell 🙂

    Ps. Use i3gaps (a fork of i3) it has a lot of really useful tweaks and looks better.

    More info: https://fedoramagazine.org/getting-...
  • 8
    I think your taking the idea of keeping ur desktop clean a bit too far...
  • 1
    @Dacexi i3 is all terminals right? Just terminals, nothing else? Or am I mistaken?
  • 4
    It makes sense...

    Ubuntu is swapping from Unity to Gnome.

    Plus, if you want all those nice gnome themes, you'll need Tweak anyway...

    I don't get what you are complaining about tbh. Do you just idle your computer on your desktop?
  • 1
    @Froot you're very wrong lol. It's like any other DE but instead of having windows you can freely move around you split the screen (horizontal / vertical) every time you open a new program. You also typically have workspaces for sets of programs. I absolutely love it and it's so good damn fast you won't believe.
  • 1
    @Jop- how is it not?
  • 2
    I don't get why tweak tools aren't already installed
  • 1
    @D--M It doesn't make any sense to me that a Linux DE is trying to force an icon in my desktop.
  • 1

    I'm pretty sure thats purely a /you/ thing and not a linux distro thing.

  • 1
    @Dacexi Oh well that's good. I might give it a try then :D The thought if it being all terminals was quite scary :D
  • 0
    Btw, u can look into bspwm and herbstluftwm as well if ur not inclined on i3... all these r similar yet different... just check them out at /r/unixporn 😍😍
  • 0
    Jup, i3 is awesome :D
  • 0
    Gnome 3 is the opposite of control.
    Get yourself a proper DE
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