
When you're programming at home and you struggle on something you might search on Stack Overflow.
But when you're at work, what do you do? Ask to other co-workers and maybe search on SO as well?

  • 3
    Why would you not use SO at work?
  • 2
    @CWins I don't know, that's why I'm asking :)
  • 3
    Whats worse, a colleague bothering you in the middle of coding, or a colleague bothering you only after they have tried to solve the problem themselves and have exhausted every possible avenue?

    Just try to solve it yourself using google, so, etc, before asking a colleague.
  • 1
    For me, SO is like other sources of information. It's like asking "would you read documentation?" sure, why not.

    I'd like to understand what makes this a question for you. Are you afraid that it looks like you need help, do you fear a reputation as SO-copyguy?
  • 1
    @CWins I never worked in an office, I just don't know what a developer does here other than working with the team and team softwares
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