Exactly my feelings when I switch between TFS and Git

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    TFS sucks! I use VS Team services but all git repos never tfs
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    @gitpush I like TFS version control when I'm entirely working on Microsoft stack within Visual Studio.
    Else, Git.
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    @khateeb321 never liked VS git tools, but VS Code has some amazing integrated tools.
    On vs I face a lot of issues
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    @gitpush when you're working with entirely with Microsoft stack foe example: ASP.NET MVC w/ Entity Framework. Then Visual Studio with TFS integration is the best option
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    @gitpush I work with Angularjs with .NET Web API.
    I use Visual Studio and Git.
    Not Github integration to VS hur Github's desktop application.
    Grunt etc as usual
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    @khateeb321 GitHub integrated tools still need some work IMO
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    @gitpush I second that :)
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