
Fucking hell! Why can‘t I block notifications for a specific conversation thread for a limited amount of time in Teams? I get spammed with shit that I don‘t care about but when I block it now, I will forget to unblock it later. 😑

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    Can you do the thing you can do in Slack where you can tell it to turn off notifications for replies and then also set a reminder?
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    @AmyShackles doesn‘t look like I can
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    Add a reminder or setup a meeting to unblock

    On a different note, request the members not to spam the group and take their conversations elsewhere
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    @asgs it’s the correct place for them to discuss. Problem is, I can’t even separately mute the discussion or sub-channel or whatever that is.
    I can only mute the whole channel but then I risk missing other important stuff from other discussions in that channel.
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