
Dear Windows,
Just because you've got an update, it doesn't mean you can overrule my preferences and decide about the preferred languages behind my back. I've already decided and set it up. It's the first thing I always do. So don't try to be clever for fuck's sake.
Thank you

  • 4
    Nie. Wiem lepiej. Mówisz teraz po polsku.
  • 2
    @electrineer how lucky am I that I learned a bit of Polish last year, so I think I understand this without Google
  • 2
    Enjoy this new weather/indoctrination app on your toolbar. Because, yes, we want more sketchy news sources telling us how to think. Oh, you uninstalled this shit last time. Here, have it again and now it is harder to find how to disable our bullshit.
  • 1
    @Demolishun are you sure you don't want Edge? Everyone uses it, you should too. Here, let's try to set it as the default again!
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