
Started my internship web project. Found myself relying a bit too much on stackoverflow and google for backend and frontend help and it's making me feel a bit too guilty. Any advice ?

  • 3
    Make sure you understand what are you copying/solution. You don't have to feel guilty as long as you finish your work.
  • 2
    Exactly, don't feel guilty.

    However, I find it to be helpful to type in the code myself when I find an answer, instead of using copy/paste. That makes me think about what I'm typing and helps me learn.
  • 1
    obviously I try to to understand what I'm copying, but the guilt comes from the fact that I do understand what's going on generally especially in theory, but syntax never comes to mind
  • 1
    it's ok. think of it as peer reviewed help.
  • 2
    Don't feel guilty at all. Welcome to the real world. Tests are garbage, the real "test" is how resourceful you are in resolving issues efficiently.

    I'd say you're passing with flying colors at the moment.
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