
Fuck Monday and SAs... Just arrived at office and logged in:

Consider changing your password:

**Ok... Enters new password**

We're sorry your password is invalid


Let's I already have a lower, uppercase letter, a number


Adds a symbol


Difference in security though? 0.... But now I have one more thing too remember...

  • 2
    Trust billgates... he knows all.
  • 1

    And that's the first thing one would look for while using a RAT.

    Funny enough, most of there slogans are, or are similar to: "Your password; in one place!" hacker: "He he he..."
  • 1
    @robzombie111 can't use to login to PC tho... I just make the password 99.99% similar to the previous one
  • 0
    @robzombie111 well you'll have to crawl over my dead body and pass my lock screen to get it... Willing u know the password
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