
Why does your BS app (that is obviously made with electron because of course it is) feels entitled to put its garbage into my Documents folder?

  • 5
    no app should ever create a managed folder in Documents, or any other such place. Default to a folder in Home, and offer to customize. The structure within Documents is the user's choice, and it's pretty much never grouped by document type at the top level.
  • 4
    Are you using Windows? Because on macOS, programs now need to ask for permission if they want to read or write in random places.
  • 0
    @Lensflare I installed Curve from App Store, and it made a folder in Documents without asking me. Latest Sonoma
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    @kiki that’s weird. Have you by any chance disabled the sandbox feature or something?
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    @Lensflare there is a sandbox feature?
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    @kiki I call those features sandbox features when apps must ask for permission to do things like send notifications, access camera or microphone, write to documents, etc.
  • 2
    So the user needs to hunt down and find some obscure document location? This overestimates the abilities of most users.

    Edit: A lot of apps I use default to storing in Documents in Windows.
  • 1
    I gotta admit: if I had only used Windows my reaction to this would’ve been ”What do you mean? It is standard for programs to save stuff like user settings to the Documents folder”

    But after using a unix based OS you realize it’s fucked up that Windows does not strictly enforce that the Documents folder is only for user creared files - and all programs are expected to store their settings in a home folder or usr

    When making a backup of a Windows machine it is such a mess that the Documents folder contains more than user created documents
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    @jiraTicket so are we talking about random stuff or actual "work output"? I want to be able to backup save games and data collected. That is what I would consider valuable work output.
  • 1
    @Demolishun Yes, looking at my Windows10 Documents folder I have about 20 folders which have been automatically created by games or other software

    For example:

    * Overwatch - contains logs and settings

    * Battlefield 3 - contains screenshots and settings

    * Bioware - multiple bioware games here. Which store userProfiles, savedGames etc.

    * WindowsPowerShell - empty folder, I haven't used powershell but assume settings and snippets would be saved here

    * VisualStudio - contains stuff like backups, settings, snippets

    * NetworkMonitor3 - this program seems to have saved some code files.
  • 0
    @jiraTicket I searched, but could not find guidance from Microsoft. I am sure there is some somewhere. At least there should be. Settings and logs seem like they should be somewhere else.
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