
I asked my 2 younger kids: What is the dumbest thing a teacher has said this year?

11 year old: "My teacher said our class is like a big family."

How is she at 11 so wise?

  • 0
    Have you asked your eldest one?
  • 6
    I mean, it's kinda like a big family. You didn't pick them, can't leave and they piss you off
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    @TheBeardedOne and the only adult gives you work, tasks and ask questions all the time...
  • 5
    Mine said blood is made in the heart and wine could never freeze
  • 4
    Oh and there's no gravity on the moon but when asked 'how come astronauts didn't float away' they said it's because they wore big heavy boots
  • 4
    @asgs I haven't asked my oldest that is still in school.

    The next oldest in school said a teacher yelled at her for: public display of affection. She likes to lock arms with her friend when they walk in the hallway. That is indeed stupid as well. She already has sensory issues and rarely will hug people. So this is counter productive to her social development.
  • 1
    This gives me hope for future generations 🥲
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    @AvgCakeSlice this is the same kid that brought a huge jar of pickles to school. She hid it in her backpack. Then distributed pickles at recess. I have started calling her the "pickler".
  • 2
    @MammaNeedHummus My mother, 60, well educated, somehow thought the moon was a planet
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