I once committed the node_modules/ :p
Only once tho xD

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    There is something I do not get though, when you are using npm to fetch front end stuff, the general practice is to include those in the commits, because it is needed, at least this is how it worked before npm.

    I get you can install all needs with npm but, the hosting shit I use does not have npm installed so I do need to commit the node_modules folder.

    This shit is just plain weird.
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    @mundo03 your hosting provider is plain ass weird . Why don't you shift to some cloud provider?
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    @mundo03 otherwise use a webpack or webpack like module bundler to bundle and build all the file together. And don't push the node_modules/
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    @lokiiarora the provider is a basic one, php stuff, ruby and python for cgi

    The webpack thing does make sense. I am using browserify, I'll check if it does this.

    I don't do a lot of JS though, I am still looking into it. Thanks!!
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    @mundo03 sure it'd be great if I could help you along ! :)
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    Github's gitignore repo is a godsend for avoiding this.
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    Welcome to the club!
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    @mundo03 Cheapest server at Vultr is $2.50 per month, on which you can install absolutely anything you want.

    It's common to not commit raw dependencies, but commit the built/transpiled/minified version instead.

    Still, committing node_modules is only inconvenient. It's not as bad as the committed "environment" file I found in a repository yesterday, with all kinds of API keys and passwords in it. 😥
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