
I've received new instructions at work and I would like to know your opinion. We are two at work, my boss and I..

From now on, projects are estimated, we own the responsability of delivering our tasks to the date each individual. We will work with estimates + error margin of 30%, meaning we do the estimate and add 30% to the hours. We also set a deadline date, ideally a week or two later - this date will be given to clients. If we have not met our estimates including the error margin, we do overtime. We have to own each task our selves, and personally take the responsability for our assignments.

  • 3
    I have worked myself on fixed price and ordered work on fixed price. I'd say it's only for those who are really certain about what they are doing. It's fine if its another Wordpress site with some CSS mods, but for never before tried backend logic, using new libraries etc I say it's quite generous towards the customer. My favourite as a customer is "it will cost at least X but at most Y" with a decent span between the two. Then you give the dev some room to get paid for extra work but also set a roof for how bad it can get.
  • 3
    But - the boss is always right yes? :)
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    @Elkstorm the boss is doing the best he can. Doesnt necessarily means he's Always right.
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    @knuppelsmurf Agreed :) If it's a good boss then discussing isn't a problem.
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    We have a development team at a large company and that is basically our delivery logic. I will say though that if it is due to extra stuff just getting piled on we just move the deadline.
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    what about the overtime work, how do you feel about having to handle the responsibility of wasting estimates?
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