
!drunk (yet)

It's whiskey and code tonight!
(Whiskey because I couldn't get to my rum. annoyed face.)

Why? Because rum is so much better. duh.

More seriously: My boss has thrown me every single one his current tasks and is refusing to answer simple questions about them, such as "oh, so you already know about this bug; what's the cause?" or "how do i test this once i've fixed it?" or "where the fuck are you?"

and I'm also getting lots of bugs from other people. They're all basically categorized "urgent, please fix immediately" but should instead be categorized "super-boring and not-at-all-important, and should get fixed on the off chance you happen to remember it next year". That's the best category of bug.

I just gave up on fixing a Rails pluralize bug which fits into the aforementioned category quite nicely. It's returning "2x round of golves" -- which is hilarious and I might leave it in just for the amusement. But now it's back to fighting with ActionCable! Everything has been getting in the way of me finishing that. I'm about to start biting.

Speaking of ActionCable, it turns out my code wasn't wrong after all (have I said that yet?). Since the official documentation and examples suck, I've been digging through the (generated) javascript source and working my way backwards to learn how to use it. I cleaned up my code a little, but it was still correct. The reason nothing is working correctly is that API Guy gave me broken code. ...Again! Go figure. So I'll be rewriting that today. or tomorrow. (Whiskey, remember?)

I also have some lovely netcode to debug and fix. So totally not looking forward to that. The responses are less bloody reliable than my boss's code ffs. *grumble grumble*

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    I love rum but i prefer vodka to deal with em
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    You are a very interesting lady, I'm glad I ran into your comment today(well yesterday technically). You should definitely write rants not quite drunk (but hey who's fit to judge after a few) yet more often! It's captivating.

    Didn't get the "round of golves" part though and what's netcode? Happy debugging. Hope you get to build something new soon.
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    I just wanted to say I prefer whiskey, but it is expensive 😱
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    I read rum and had to ++ right away.

    *yay rum!*
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    Whisky's always good but I'll take a good brandy (well armagnac) if I can get my hands on a bottle.

    It does seem fairly universal that devs tend to be drinkers. I guess it's because it helps to numb the brain against all the stupid that we face daily.
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    @conjoiner Totally 😧. Alcohol and games to distract. It's the only way I keep my sanity some weeks.

    @mrsulfat Jameson is yum! It tastes a bit like carmel minus the sweetness. The 12 year isn't much better than the normal, so save your money.

    @DLMousey It's a pluralization issue. Different example: "`13 mile of ocean".pluralize()` returns "13 mile of oceans" -- still incorrect, but at least "oceans" a word. "golf"->"golves" is just plain wrong. I wasn't able to find a way to disable only the "golf" pluralization, since String.pluralize() in Rails unexpectedly behaves differently than I18n.translate(word, count)

    @harrizsb Tito's is totally amazing, but I'm kinda tired of vodka.

    @justwellbrock Rum! 😄
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