
Been looking into some of my old code (an OBSE plugin). Wanted to know how something worked I made over 10 years ago. I look through the code and some of it makes sense, some of it looks really messy compared to what I write now. I want to remake some of this code to work on a different game now.

I have some code for threading that I have no idea where it came from:


It allows transferring data between different threads using mutexes. It is really really simple. I searched github to see if it came from there. There is stuff with similar names, but the code is way way different in those. I honestly don't see whey this code needs to be any more complicated than it is. I wonder if it is because I don't know something or I just like simpler solutions. Maybe there are use cases the other coding solutions have that solve particular problems?

Anyway, I plan to pound out an SKSE version of this plugin. I have been wanting to make this for some time now. I don't necessarily have a need other than the fun factor. My lack of providing good directions for use on the OBSE version kept people from using it. I will try and do better on this version.

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    Wow, learning how to build a SKSE plugin is so much easier than OBSE ever was.

    Found this tutorial:


    Made a screenshot of "Hello World!" in game within about half an hour of concentration. I did install Visual Studio beforehand, but that was mostly just doing other stuff while it did. This is creating a default dll that gets loaded by SKSE.
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    I also installed a base modding setup from Wabbjack before this. This gave me all the basic modding tools preinstalled and tested. So maybe 1.5 hours start to finish.
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