Aah just how I like my gpt. Imagine bekng such a huge cuck you start working for Microsoft

  • 4
    Not sure where you got this image from, but that is fake. ChatGPT will always mention that it does not have opinions...

    Or you misspelled 'Apple' ...
  • 1
    Tell Chatfpt to have an hostile opinion towards Microsoft in the custom instructions settings.
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  • 4
    Not sure what MS is like now. But in the 90s I heard they brought prostitutes to the office in Redmond.
  • 4
    @Demolishun Well, they paid some desperate people to create VBA. By comparison, prostitution has a certain amount of decorum about it.
  • 2
    @Grumm definitely misspelled Apple.
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    @kobenz this reminds me of early days of Microsoft maps. Microsoft replaced Apple headquarters with a shack surrounded by sheep on their map. This was to poke fun at Apple. At one time Apple was having issues with funding so instead of landscaping by people they got some sheep on loan to cut the grass. At least that is the story I heard.
  • 0
    To be fair, apples superiority complex and non-upgradable systems are super shit too, but ever since macOS gatewaydrugged me into the world of unix systems it felt like my atlas joint got readjusted and I could think clearly again. Now if I had the possibility to travel backt o the point of time where I was choosing my new Lappy, I would‘ve told him to buy high end parts and go for Linux. If I had to choose between osx and windows, I’d go for osx anyday.
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    @Chewbanacas I buy laptops now because I like the portability. But even when I rand a desktop I didn't end up upgrading the system. I just bought new stuff anyway. By the time I upgraded even a shitty motherboard was better than what I had.

    I have a 3 year old laptop and I am eyeing those 24 core Sager lappys right now.
  • 3
    @Demolishun well, you can upgrade laptops too. MacBooks aswell, but apple is manufacturing their products so as it gives you extreme anxiety trying to pry those things open.
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    @Chewbanacas yeah, Sagers are the easiest to work on lappy I have ever had. Lots of space. Apples like to be credit card thin.

    I have 2 M.2 drives and a 2.5 ssd installed at the same time.

    Edit: Also new sagers have 4 or 5 usb slots on the outside. Plus two diff types of video and network.
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