I only found out today that there is a light-weight Redis app for Windows that works out of the box.

I thought using Docker Desktop + WSL was the way to go about that.

uhhhh.. makes me wonder what else am I missing out on that's incredibly easy but Im not aware of, yet.

  • 1
    You mean that docker isn't lightweight? 🤔 And you don't need wsl to run docker right?
  • 0
    @ScriptCoded Docker desktop kicks up my CPU usage by 15% for whatever reason.
  • 0
    I have no idea how the WSL stuff works but I don't think a windows app is easier than running a docker container with the same version of redis that you run in production
  • 0
    I know what you're talking about. I used that one too. It acts like a portable software. But you won't find other relevant ones this easy. For example, RabbitMQ requires you to install erlang and other dependencies and vice versa. Also you need to download each version of redis specific to your project if that's a thing. In that sense Docker rules them all.
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