
Working in a team is overrated. You most of the time end up working with sleaze bags.

Like high-school projects, where most of the work is done by either 1-2 people.

  • 2
    in school projects I could do the whole project by myself and nobody would coerce me for retarded shit tho

    and I'd still get the same mark as everyone else. instead of unequal pay at jobs

    I'd be fine with doing all the work if people left me alone and we divided the rewards equally. as it stands for me now that's a better deal than I've ever experienced it

    also not having to sit my ass in some arbitrary chair for some number of hours. I just wanna hand in work that hits goals. stop inviting me to meetings and events. stop shit talking me because of ??? I don't even know. shoo.
  • 0
    @jestdotty you are a top tier, top dev in the class.

    Imagine working with sleazy chums over a long period of time, dimbag darrell wants you to show how to connect to the database. They drag you down, grinding you. One day you wake up and you find yourself an average, because you wasted too much time, until you habituated yourself to want the same things as dimwit matt.
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