Dear bash script dev,
maybe you don't know, but they won't pay you more if you use fewer chars in your scripts.
Well, at least i hope you didn't know this; because if turns out that you consciously and deliberately wrote your variable names like a blind man would play scrabble, and now i have to deal with names like $tre_img , $cnt_aprn , $catlow3 etc... then YOU ARE AN A**HOLE 😤😡

  • 0
    My best guess:

    “Tre” image path
    Count of “aprn”
    Third use of concatenation of “low”

    Stuff in double quotes maybe are acronyms in your company or industry.
  • 1
    @bkwilliams still shitty that we have to guess. I'd prefer "blue_apron_holdings_inc_stock_count" or even just "blue_apron_stock_count" over "aprn_count", because "aprn_count" might not be referring to the stock count, it might not even be in this context, but all we can do is guess =)
  • 1
    $tre_img is an array of images
    $cnt_aprn is the count of files in a dir (don't ask why, i really can't...)
    $catlow3 ... still no idea what is supposed to represent
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