
New project.
Boss and customer decide it'll be used only on desktop devices, so they told me it doesn't need to be responsive.

Two weeks into development at a jour fixe:
Boss: "How's the responsiveness going?"
Me: "U wot?!"

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    After any such meeting, I write the agreement down. Either as a comment in the ticket "as discussed in today's meeting and agreed by @PERSON and @OTHER_PERSON, the UI implementation will not be responsive" or I'll drop the respective stakeholder a mail simply stating the summary.

    Never, ever will I rely on verbal agreement.

    Why? That's why!

    So that I can point to them: You yourself made that specific decision that informed my implementation. And if you want to change it, while that's your prerogative, we both know that the entire thing will take longer to finish.

    Good companies will even make an effort to create a protocol on these kind of meetings where the important agreements are written down.
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    @k0pernikus I fully agree with this.
    Sadly, my boss is... Let's say from the 'old fashioned sort'.
    He half-asses agreements and so on.

    I'll make an effort to write shit down from now on...
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    yeah I'd put down people's name and what they said in the feature tickets

    turns out when I left they stopped doing that and it was a disaster -- while at the same time people appreciated being able to look up the ticket and see why things were decided the way they were lmao

    I had to coordinate like 4-5 people telling me what they wanted to get put in. how else you gonna do that lol. I'd have people meet and argue amongst themselves. I'm just your friendly neighbourhood robot translator, beep boop. also I guess that's what all those managers have meetings about so I guess I managed to get coordination done while having no meetings 😏
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    "when a woman tell you she won't have sex with you tonight, she definately will" is a saying from the old days. I doubt that, but what ma life told me is: "whenever a boss says it's does not have to run on phones, it definately has to run on phones."
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    @horus ...which is why I now religiously do mobile-first on all projects.
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