Good morning everyone. May your phone battery always be above 50%.

  • 3
    mine is dead I guess, it drains from 30% to 1% in 10 minutes WITHOUT touching the phone and I have only wifi turned on :\
  • 1
    You deleted your accountagain @jAsE -.-
  • 0
    > Not changing your phone overnight
  • 0
    That would give me way over a day on my oukitel 😀 and 4-5 days on Nokia 6310i.
  • 0
    My current phone has this weird problem that it dies in the cold at 80% battery juice. And yes it only dies out that way in the winter and it’s fine in any other season. So... the gods of batteries don’t like me during winter for some reason.
  • 1
  • 1
    Good mor-
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