You ever sit down to code, all pumped up and ready to conquer the digital world, only to have your computer decide it's the perfect time to install updates? "Sorry, can't work right now, I'm busy optimizing your experience," it says, while you sit there twiddling your thumbs and wondering who asked for this update in the first place.

And let's talk about variable names. Who thought naming things would be the hardest part of programming? You start with `count` and `index`, but by the end of the project, you're using variables like `reallyLongVariableNameThatDescribesExactlyWhatThisThingDoes`. It's like playing a game of how many characters can you type before your fingers revolt.

Then there's the joy of debugging. You sprinkle `console.log()` like breadcrumbs through your code, trying to find where things went off the rails. Half the time, you realize you've been chasing the wrong rabbit down the wrong hole, and the other half, you discover the bug is some obscure edge case that you couldn't have predicted in a million years.

But hey, it's not all doom and gloom. There's a weird satisfaction in solving those coding puzzles, like when you finally get that algorithm to work or refactor your code into something so elegant, it feels like you've sculpted a masterpiece out of digital clay.

So here's to all the coders out there, navigating the ups and downs of curly braces and semicolons with a mix of determination and exasperation. May your code compile, your bugs be minor inconveniences, and your computer never decide to update right when you're on a coding roll!!

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    My issues are mostly function names called spelled different than required, or other Syntax errors like Semicolon missing when required!
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    @max19931 join the static typing master race!
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    automatic updates:
    Disable automatic updates or switch to a serious OS.

    Variable names:
    There are exactly two hard problems in computer science: Cache invalidation, naming and off-by-one errors.

    Print debugging:
    Ever heard of breakpoints? Use them!
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    no because I'm on Linux

    who thought not having control over your software was a good idea. idk how Microsoft is still in business. changes settings on you, deletes your files. heard hospitals were having issues with their machines updating during damned surgeries. they should've been sued to cut that shit out but nobody cares about human life and it shows
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    I use https://www.powerthesaurus.org/ for naming, then totally forget what everything does but it leaves cool vibes
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    I actually really like debugging. it's like being a detective. makes me feel coooool
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    if I make a perfect function / make something work as expected I feel grim though lol

    I guess cuz then I feel like that's the new standard to hold myself to so it trips me out

    I think I must forget everything that it took for me to get there and I should really stop viewing it like that and choose some other way to view it

    cuz I really do enjoy debugging and poking around. I've actually sort of forgot, but I've been doing a lot of it past few days and I like being a detective. the naming thing might use some work though
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