just saw a bunch of people trying to catch Pokemon and realised what my life has come down to. I deleted the game from my phone. I'm anti social and always will be.

  • 3
    Why not catch pokémon with them? It makes it easier and more fun.
  • 0
    @Trey50Daniel at 30 I have enough disappointments to deal with on a daily basis. hanging with a bunch of 20 somethings catching Pokemon is not gonna Change much.
  • 1
    @rohogaka There's no age limit on having fun. I'm going to have fun until the day I die. The traditional "growing up" just means that those people decided to stop having fun.
  • 0
    @Trey50Daniel I don't know if I would define that as having fun for me. I wanted to see what the fuss was about and I was disappointed as usual. humanity never fails to amaze me. generation in decline
  • 1
    Although I have no idea what Pokémon is (Ob I do 'know') this exact reason is what stopped me from knowing or installing to check it out hmm
  • 1
    @rohogaka Oh.... So you're one of those guys that sees millennials as a problem.
  • 1
    @Trey50Daniel I would describe myself as a millenial too since I was born in '86. not very far behind. but tinder and Pokemon is just stretching it. not everything in life is a quick fix and a instant brew. I think the younger generation needs to discover patience
  • 1
    @rohogaka While there are problems with our generation, I think there are just as many, if not MORE problems from previous generations. Millennials just get the flak because they're an easy target for criticism
  • 3
    Lol it's getting hot in here.
  • 0
    @Trey50Daniel I think this has somehow become a us vs them conversation. you need to recognise I am an individual and I consider myself as one of you. I'm progressive on many fronts. I also like how young people use reason more than blind faith. but there is something about their entitlement that just gets to me. not all but most of them.
  • 0
    @rohogaka I completely agree, but I work and have put myself almost all the way through college so I'm not part of the entitled group. Plus, I know many people I go to college with doing the same thing. So I understand the frustration, but try not to let it get to you. It doesn't help to be angry at something you can't change.
  • 0
    @Trey50Daniel I laud you and your people for that. but every generation has their trauma. I don't think educating yourself is a feather in the hat. I mean you wouldn't really compare that with fighting in the war. although is great for personal things. but you have a job and are helping the economy grow. happens all over the world.
  • 0
    @rohogaka Well it's not like we stopped fighting wars. We just have a choice to be in the fight. The previous generations had no choice. I commend them for their service just like I commend current soldiers for their service. I'll be honest, I couldn't participate in a firefight because I am not a military tactician. That's why I'm glad that there are people willing to fight those battles. I'm not here to disagree with you, I just want you to realize some of us ARE contributing to society, although you may not like our contribution. I'm in this line of work as a(n) IT tech/developer because it's my talent that I want to use to make the world a better place and if you aren't a fan of me that's fine. I wish you success in your endeavours and hope you find happiness in life.
  • 0
    @Trey50Daniel I'm just messing with you mate. I love you. lol
  • 0
    @rohogaka All that to mess with me? lol. I applaud your efforts.
  • 1
    @Trey50Daniel once a troll. always a troll. ;)
  • 1
    @rohogaka True. It's a way of life. lol. You trolled a troll. Well played sir.
  • 1
    when you lose an argument say that you were trolling, a filthy way to restore shattered dignity
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