
What I want to say when priviledged Europeans complain about inflation


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    Ngl, not my fault I was born there.
    Everybody complains about anything anyway.
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    Yeah, we should all shut up and Just kneel before the powerful. Complaining is for pussies right? The best people just silently follow suit and lap up whatever the rich feel is right. How dare we have opinions, after all if no one complained we wouldnt even have world hunger.

    Inflation is fucking bullshit. The banks are mighty enjoying the high interest rates. Lowering them is right behind the fucking corner! That's what they've been saying for over a year now. "The bank think interests will go down in 2 months" says them literally every two months... Fucking bullshit, and then the next thing I read is that they are showing record earnings. No fucking shit when you're milking the fucking situation for every penny. Meanwhile all my 10 year hard earned fucking cash dropped 30% in value over a fucking month, as if that makes any sense. Fuck those pigs
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    @Hazarth No you have the right to complain, just the nature of my profile so I have to exaggerate.

    Things are much worse where I live, my effective salary dropped by half while prices rose exponentially, wish I was born in a country without this fucking extreme monopoly money devaluation.
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