
Two months ago, I went to an interview that I thought I aced... Time passed and I heard nothing. Got bummed cause it's one of the rare positions that doesn't require industry experience, plus a friend works there so that would be fun.
Yesterday tho, i received a phone call from said friend saying that he finally got an update on a situation (since the whole thing was kinda in the dark even inside the company).
Apparently, the boss who directly interviewed me fought to the nail to hire me cause I was most qualified (even tho I'm very modest and generally nervous as fuck on interviews), but was denied funds for the new department at the moment.

Still bummed about the whole situation, but god damn it feels great to know that I'm still the first choice if/when they get funds

  • 4
    @Lahsen2016 yup, it's such a boost of confidence :D
  • 6
    I can see two situations:

    1 - they organized interviews for a department they didn't even had funds to in the first place

    2 - its all bullshit
  • 0
    @azous idk how to prove it?
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