
I'm tired of meth. I mean math. MATH.
I'm sick and tired of everything.

"First!" numerous blog comments shout to no-one, from the colorful abyss of the internet.

And for me, this is a first. But lets rewind.

It's 2 AM, about a month ago, spring in Akron Ohio. Someone reading this is no doubt shocked "You just revealed where you live, ON THE INTERNET! The weirdos will find you." Anyway, it's a dark and stormy night, as the cliche goes. Like most people up after midnight, I'm browsing facebook posts and useless productivity sites. (lifehacker)
I yearn for something more out of life, somewhere deep down inside..maybe in my colon?

All the articles are saying "10 tips to supercharge your life", "how to discover your life purpose in three easy steps", mixed with an ad about ron jeremys one secret tip to grow a massive cock, and exhortations to buy such-and-such's "new ebook!"
I am not moved by any of this.

Scrolling, and tabbing, and intermittently dropping f-bombs because of js ads locking up my browser, I stop and lean back. In the blue afterglow of my shitty compaqs screen, a thought appears, like a cheesy genie, popping out of a brass toilet. "Start a blog! A youtube channel! A podcast" the ad proclaims. "Yes. Thats what I have to do" I whispered (I'm embarrassed to admit I really did say this).

Then I Control+W'd out of it, and flopped onto my mattress. This was the wasteland of my life. I couldn't help but think The whole internet was like some seedy back alley 2.0, where boxcar willie with his train of needle marks had been replaced by more upstart, greasy-haired gurus. Each peddling 'ebooks' of 'advice', stuffed in between ads to buy 'this one hot stock you have to own' and porn. And that alley was really the 'blogosphere' and 'youtubers'. As I drifted off, the last thought was 'We're all just bottom feeders,leeching and whoring on the attention of faceless anonymous users, hoping for another quick fix.'

I fell asleep, these racing thoughts fading into sweet oblivion, but never too far away.

Welcome to My Back Alley

That title is only twice as dirty, and half as thought-out as I planned. As you imagine, the lure of being the electronic equivalent of a conman never quite faded. And the more I read, the stronger the message "Start a youtube channel!" grew. As if everyone and their grandmother having a youtube channel would somehow make the world right, cure cancer, and save kittens from animal shelter gas chambers. Everyones an expert, everyones an agent of change. Maximizing productivity, Evangelizing Technology, ninjas collaborating to socialfy your community diversification benchmark for target traffic
through user-engagement and authentic grass-roots, blah, blah, blah, blah, money. Thrusting, moaning, screaming. Money. Pumping at the center of it all.

Wake up and smell the bullshit.

This blog is not a blog. This blog is the anti-blog, and we are the anti-streamers. 'We' (read "I") resist your bullshit lingo bingo, call out the Truth (Tm) and refuse to be satisfied with any standards of decency, journalistic integrity, or common sense.

Every blog, every channel, every podcast is Starbucks And I'm tyler durden, pissing in your coffee, and calling it a 'latte'.

Freaks, and anarchists, laymen and losers. If you feel as I do, then this is the place for you. Welcome to devrant.

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    I found the most meaning actively caring for other people. There are lots of ways to do that. Information, physical, selling something that makes their life better, etc. I think there will be a lot of need to make tech that doesn't rip people off or steal their info. The future of current tech companies looks so dirty. Some even seem to actively hurt people (inefficiencies, expensive, destroys data, etc) to sell add on products.
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    @Demolishun look at all the tech bros getting filthy rich with their lucre, while making everything worse, and simultaneously buying bunkers to escape the bullshit they've unleashed on us all.

    In a right world zuckerborg would be torn apart by a mob, along with all the rest of silicon valley.

    Wall em off like escape from LA and let them eat each other.
  • 3
    "In a right world zuckerborg would be torn apart by a mob"

    I think this might be coming. Don't get in anybody's way. People can and will do crazy things. People are really angry right now in general. Think about that before you get in an argument with a stranger. Many are armed.
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    you're forgetting about the Mafia in the back alley

    probably how it got so trashy instead of how cool it was before
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    @Demolishun selling something that would make their life better implies I have such a thing

    I'm so disillusioned by my friends by this point. they make bad mistakes and I tell them that will be a bad decision and they just keep doing them anyway. so if I can't even do that, how would I even have anything someone wants to actively pay for

    maybe I'm grossly overdue for new friends

    the kicker is years later they always come to me and say "you were right". it happened again last week. clearly I can't do anything

    they're literally things they find to be problems and whine about, too. like what the fuck I gave you the solution years ago. I feel so disrespected and worthless.
    and then suddenly I have to pick up the slack in everything cuz my life is "better". you mean I actually implemented solutions?! WONDER WHY
    ofc that means I'm the janitor, not that they're grateful
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    @jestdotty yeah, it seems sparse in subs that have 2M people. Like not enough posts and interaction it seems. Some of the subs seems to be mostly bots too.
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    @jestdotty take a game company. Compare that to game companies that hire the woke fixers. People are actively tracking games that are produced by woke fixers to people can avoid buying them. What will the people buy? Games that aren't shoveling horseshit. I think there is plenty of room in the business sector for non shit companies.
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    @jestdotty I think it is tempting to take the black pill and wallow is despair. People who trade in influence and control want you to believe they are all powerful. They are not. Yeah, they can probably kill you if they want. So find something you can believe in beyond yourself. They cannot destroy your spirit unless you let them. These people are cunts. Regard them as such. I would rather believe in something fake that gives me hope than believe there is no hope. They want people to lose all hope. This is by design. Hopeless people will accept anything that is offered.
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    @jestdotty I think it has always been that way though.
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    @jestdotty just saw this. It is called The Secret Covenant by John D. Rockerfeller (not sure if the attribution is correct). It explains a lot of what has/is happening.


    Edit: I also think this could make for a great evil group theme in a video game.
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    @Demolishun Thats a powerful message Demo.

    "Wallstreet, the DNC, the GOP, D.C., and silicon valley are cunts. These people are all cunts. Cunts in suits."

    needs to be a lot more of that. It's like the non-racist version of calling a spade-a-spade.

    It's a form of othering.

    I like it, I like it a lot.

    "Fuck these people and their policies. They're all cunts. Refuse to obey. These cunts can get fucked if they don't like it."
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