How to solve this issue??

  • 8
    Install Linux...?
  • 5
    The above solution will also solve all your future issues you'll have with windows
  • 1
    @RAZERZ I tried installing deepin and kali. Same issue popping up
  • 0
    Already tried formatting and partioning your drive...?
  • 1
    You might need to load the sata controller drivers for your motherboard.
    Its possible the hardware is too new for the version of Windows you are installing.
    Check the drivers for your motherboard.
  • 1
    Might need a driver, or windows can't be installed to your disk for some reason or another
  • 2
    I had similar on my Dell. I can't remember the ins and outs, but I to turn off secure boot in BIOS, change the hard drive type either too or from UEFI

    It was about a year ago I did it, and it was once so my memory is quite vague 😂
  • 0
    Write bootable usb in GPT partition instead of MBR...it's most likely because your internal HDD is 1TB+
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