  • 6
    on a not entirely unrelated side note: I started computer science in university to learn more about algorithms etc.

    I don't disagree with you though.
  • 1
    Im currently on the right lane. Let me explain. I was introduced cs while playing video games and a guy told me to learn html and css first. After that I took all codecademy free classes in high school. Because life isnt a single path, I learnt international business after that but wanted to switch back to dev and the easiest way (in France) and shortest is to take a 5month class about nodejs and angularjs or php. Its for me a first step into cs. Im learn in me free time C to prepare 42 Paris. So the easy way by learning javascript may be the best shortcut when you dont have a degree or cant go back to school. The thing is to know what after that first initiation, you will do.
  • 1
    I'm just trying to get paid to do what I love and javascript is currently the easiest way to accomplish that in my case. Believe me, once I find a real dev job, I'll make it my mission to learn the nitty gritty of things; I would now, but I can't afford it.
  • 3
    Knowing how to implement bubble sort doesn't get you paid
  • 1
    I recommend checking out Kevin Sedgewick's tutorials on Youtube, really helpful when you're starting to learn about different algorithms :D
  • 4
    Well, I think I'm that guy without friends just entering the left door xD
  • 1
    I've been having this feeling that younger devs are depending on higher level languages and frameworks too much. But I could be biased here, I work mostly in C++ and asm as a matter of preference.
  • 1
    @Autism420 little rude don't you think? The meme literally is a book about algorithms so yea I do think it's about algorithms, such as bubble sort.
  • 0
    I am alone in the left side queue. But theres no queue so i go in first. Now, no matter if lifo or lilo i get my place first. If you made a bst of the Students ID be the root. But i couldnt participate in courses cuz i would calculate the complexity of the inlet of students yn th' right queue
  • 0
    @Autism420 I wish I could favourite this comment so it could serve as motivation for my studies😋
  • 1
    Why not both?
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