
Hello guys. Im new to programming I know some basic c and c++ . I was hoping if someone could help me with some sites to learn new programming languages. Thank you.

  • 3
    Anything Web/XML/SQL: http://www.w3schools.com/
  • 4
    Try coursera, Udemy, Codeschool, Code.org, Codecademy, Treehouse Team, FreeCodeCamp — Some are paid, some are free. Take a look... :)
  • 3
    I benefited most from reading books, for C I had C Primer Plus and it shows you basically everything about the language, short of the libraries that is. I learned more about the language that, but how you learn to use the language is entirely on you. Make a goal project, I did a Snake game, and learn everything you need to be able to make it, I needed nCurses.
  • 0
    @ChappIO seriously w3school? It's the worst website ever
  • 0
    @BoumTAC haha well I'm not a front end dev :p

    it's how I learned the basics and I still use it for xsd and sql reference sometimes
  • 0
    @ChappIO @boumtac for some quick reference is "OK", but for learning, it fails. Haha
  • 2
    get a good book of the particular language u want to learn, sit down and try to understand all the pieces bfore u jump into coding, aftet u feel like ur getting smwhr think of a small project u can do and do it.
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