
Can you spot the difference?
So after getting the 37 sensor arduino module kit, i decided to label each of them. The 2 modules below are the last 2 in need of labeling...
One is a magnetic hall and the other is an analogue hall but I can't tell which is which. Googling just makes it worse since they are so similar the same image is often used for both modules. The only visible difference is one has a small resistor and what appears to be a tiny led.

Please help me identify them... asking for a friend.

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    They should have like an id or a name on them, search for that and you will probably find the data sheet which gives you more information :)
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    I'm seeing different models...but the second isn't visible
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    Link for buying the kit and also for pi
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    @404response they are completely identical in every way apart from the resistor and led on one. They literally are made from the same board, it's driving me nuts because the more i search for an answer the more conflicting results I find 😣
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    @sam9669 Here's the kit https://pishop.co.za/store/...

    It's just the generic arduino sensor module kit available all over. Here are some of the images I've used to identify components - but like I said they conflict. If you look at both images you will see that magnetic hall and analogue hall are switched between them and if you use google images it just gets worse.

    Image #1:

    Image #2:
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    @kurtr I'm not an expert in electronics, but... can't you just attach them and test what they do?
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    @blem14 That was my first thought, my second was that I am also no expert in electronics so it would be safer to just ask. If I hook them up and get a result I will be amped but I'm not experienced enough yet to differentiate between getting a result and getting the desired result. Currently my money is on the bottom one being the magnetic hall but hopefully someone can offer some confirmation.
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    Do you have any instrument for testing like voltmeter?
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    @kurtr The first one is a linear hall effect sensor. You can find the datasheet if you google for "SS49E". The second one I can't properly identify because I can't read what's written on it in this picture.
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    @kurtr I edited the picture a bit so I can read the writing on the lower module and this one can be found by googling the datasheet for the "A3144" also a hall sensor but for operation in high temperature environments.
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    You da real MVP
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    @oldfrizt Out of curiosity, how did you identify them?
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    @AbsShek there is a number on the hall sensor (you can see it clearly on the upper) just Google datasheet + that number
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    @AbsShek I used the method @moars42 described. And for the lower module I modified the picture a bit to increase the contrast and the I could see most of the part number that combined with a bit of background knowledge lead to my conclusion.
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    The one without the resistors(upper one in the picture) is the analogue hall and the one with the magnetic hall
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